Every industry has its Achilles heel, and when it comes to the food industry, bacteria and listeria that can be found in raw food is definitely up there in terms of potentially damaging a company’s name. Thanks to science, food technology, and qualified individuals who are passionate about solving this problem, there is now innovative packaging for food products that is readily available to tackle these problems, keeping harmful elements away from the food we consume.
The idea is to eradicate listeria and bacteria in food, oversee the supply chain for food so that it is safe and as efficient as possible, and to ensure that the food traceability is managed with the highest level of safety and caution.
Being in the know about leading food safety technologies is one of Cockpit Innovation’s key activities to enable prosperous and profitable growth for the largest players in the food industry. Much QA in food industry related companies is conducted to solve this pressing problem of preventing bacteria and listeria in raw food products. Some of the startups offering solutions in this category include Yarok Microbio, Varcode, and BactuSense; all of which are creating innovative tools to detect even the lowest concentration of bacteria and listeria in food products
This cutting-edge food tech company provides rapid testing of food products, raw materials, and production environment. Results are available in just 45 minutes instead of days by counting live bacteria. The results are highly accurate and changing the game for fast-paced production industries.
Varcode uses smart digital time and temperature indicators to maintain the freshness of raw products during transport. Individual products and cases are tracked through the technology to ensure they are quickly deployed, preventing bacteria and listeria from infecting the products. Since 32% of foodborne illness cases are a result of temperature abuse, Varcode’s cutting edge technology is just what is needed during these crucial moments of transit.
Food and beverage plants will be the ones to benefit from the technology that BactuSense has developed. They are developing a device that is based on a chip, which will assist in detecting low levels of bacteria in food and beverage plants within two hours. The amount of products that will be salvaged, not to mention the amount of consumers that will remain safe and healthy, is simply priceless.
Illnesses caused by neglect in the food industry is not something that should exist in 2021. With the rapid development of the food tech world and the emphasis on food safety, we will soon be seeing an enormous transformation in the way food is packaged, handled, and consumed.
At Cockpit Innovation, we are on the constant look out for more innovative companies with food-tech solutions. If you are working on something fantastic, reach out to us, we want to hear about it.
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