Once upon a time the world of aviation was reserved only for those worthy of being pilots or building the aircrafts that they are lucky enough to fly. Today, aviation is a couple steps ahead in designing our future transportation, as it includes a whole new niche: advanced air mobility, or, its trendier name: VTOL (vertical take off and landing). The mission is to help emerging markets safely develop an air transportation system that moves people and cargo between places that previously weren’t served by the aviation industry, whether its local, regional, urban or global. Using revolutionary new aircraft that are only just now becoming possible, in other words Advanced Air Mobility presents an opportunity to provide seamless, safe and rapid transportation to modify existing and future challenges faced by urban areas.
We are seeing such movement in the aviation industry, just like in so many other sectors. The difference is that aviation involves a great deal of resources, funding, as well as ensuring sufficient safety precautions.
Market research and studies forecast that the Advance Air Mobility market will be worth tens of billions of dollars across the value chain. The promise of the Advance Air Mobility has led to numerous industry efforts; today, there are over 100 vehicles in various stages of development globally.
Some of the companies making waves in this exciting industry include Hyundai, Bell and our partners, Boeing. The cutting edge products that these companies are developing utilize urban air mobility, and vertical take off and landing for planes.
In doing so, they are tackling some serious issues such as transportation traffic, the environment, and pollution. By creating products and services for urban air mobility, Boeing is enabling a future with less traffic and air pollution. One specific innovative model is the giant drone that can carry 500 pounds of cargo. Additionally, Boeing has an experimental autonomous aircraft that has completed its first test flight and will be able to serve as an air taxi, thereby bypassing the many downsides of automobiles, including electric ones.
While Boeing is a leader in this exhilarating sphere, there are many small startups attempting to create similar products and solutions. One such company is Gadfin which specializes in developing VTOL’s of various sizes for B2B cargo delivery, Gadfin successfully achieved a breakthrough in the field and can transport cargo and medical equipment up to 25 Kg with a flight range of more than 250 km at the speed of 100 km/h.
The flight network enables fast and ongoing transfer of refrigerated medical cargo such as samples, including samples for identifying the Covid-19 virus; bone marrow; blood tests; blood donations, organs for transplant, and more, within minutes and at very low costs.
The company is planning to develop the next generation of medium size cargo drones with payloads of up to 500Kg, and is under negotiations with leading traditional freight flights operators to supply them with a fleet of its medium range eVTOL platforms, in a move to revolutionize the way air freight in being transported.
Another company is Joby Aviation, which is developing an aircraft that is more like an SUV than an airplane and also utilizes vertical take-off and landing.
Collaborating with world-changing companies such as Boeing, Gadfin and Joby Aviation, gives hope that some of the biggest disruptions to our world can be addressed in a positive way with the proper knowledge and technology. There is a long road ahead but aviation tech is experiencing development that could only have been described as sci-fi a few years back. Cockpit is confident that the companies it comes across are truly reshaping the future of Aviation. Stay tuned and join us on this extraordinary journey.
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